Friday, September 26, 2014

Exposing Hidden Bias at Google; New York Times, 9/24/14

Farhad Manjoo, New York Times; Exposing Hidden Bias at Google:
"Men make up 83 percent of Google’s engineering employees and 79 percent of its managers. In a report to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission last year, Google said that of its 36 executives and top-ranking managers, just three are women.
Google’s leaders say they are unhappy about the firm’s poor gender diversity, and about the severe underrepresentation of blacks and Hispanics among its work force.
And so they are undertaking a long-term effort to improve these numbers, the centerpiece of which is a series of workshops aimed at making Google’s culture more accepting of diversity.
There’s just one problem: The company has no solid evidence that the workshops, or many of its other efforts to improve diversity, are actually working."

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